We’re not all ‘Sock sales & Giveaways’ here at Versus Socks. Instead of our B-grade socks ending up in landfills, they are donated to our associate charities. 

Bicycles change lives

Qhubeka is a global charity that moves people forward with bicycles in Africa. A bicycle is a tool that helps people to travel faster and further, to generate income and to carry more. In the face of extreme and persistent poverty, bicycles can change lives by helping to address socio-economic challenges at the most basic level –helping people to get where they need to go.

20% of Qhubeka socks sales go towards funding Qhubeka Bicycles, which are distributed through their programme.


Lifting Dreams Soweto

Soweto is located in Gauteng, South Africa and is notorious for drug problems, gang related violence and high crime rates.

Within the same community there are thousands of amazing talented people who aspire each day to make a difference. One such individual is Khati Mabuya, South African Weightlifting Champion. Khati started a weightlifting academy in his backyard to keep kids off the streets and busy during the afternoons, so that they would not get involved with the wrong crowds, but would spend their time doing homework and training.

This incredible story was shared with Olympic weightlifter and Instagram celebrity, Sonny Webster, who got involved and so Lifting Dreams Soweto was born.



The Anna Foundation, founded in 2005 by Anna Brom, runs 16 after school projects for approximately 600 disadvantaged children in rural and farming areas around the Western Cape. Its flagship 3Rs programme, which refers to Reading, Running and Right-ing (or right living), was professionally designed by an educational therapist, drama play therapist and Human Movement Science specialist. This ensures delivery of high-quality, holistic education that engages and motivates learners.

The alignment of Versus and Anna Foundation is simple but clear. “At Versus, we aim to produce comfortable, high-quality socks that aid performance while making you smile,” says co-founder, Jurgens Uys. On the other hand, Anna Foundation provides high-quality educational assistance that builds self-confidence and self-worth, using sport as the fun reward.

Versus Socks supports the Anna Foundation with continued sock donations.



Endurocad is a vehicle and platform for critical social change where South African female youth are incubated and nurtured through athletics as well as career, personal and enterprise development.

The partnership with Versus Socks means much more than the donation of socks to aspiring athletes and community runners. It is also the story behind Versus Socks that is used to inspire young athletes to be entrepreneurial and open minded.

“It's fantastic to be able to find and work with partners who share our commitment to giving back to the communities, Elana said. “We believe that the Versus Socks donation brings a fun element to our Academy and inspires entrepreneurship.“


Care for Wild

In 2022 we launched our Rhino active socks & we decided to connect a charity to the socks to do our part.

We reached out to Care for Wild with our proposal and realised it was a perfect fit.

Care for Wild is the largest orphan rhino sanctuary in the world. They rescue, rehabilitate, rewild, release and protect rhinos but they also do so much more.

To help make a difference, we will be donating 10% of the proceeds made from our Rhino Active Socks to Care for Wild


We’re all about giving back, and all the continuous support from our avid Versus Socks fans, make opportunities like these possible!